A: Does this have any meaning?
C: of course it does
A: What is it
C: No idea
A: Where are we going
C: No idea
C: Everything is beautiful, gorgeous, elegant in fact
A: If you say so
C: It is
A: wasn’t objecting
C: You are lying
A: what do I have to gain from lying
C: I have no idea. All the more confusing
A: Weird
(looks up at the sky for a bit)
A: The sky is absolutely splendid
C: It's okay
A: it is
C: suppose so
A: Forget you
A: I am bored
C: What can we do other than walk
A: No idea
(F who had been sitting on the branch of a tree, peers his head down as they pass)
F: Where are you both off to?
(A and C stop and look behind them)
F: Over here, you morons!
(they turn and look up and then they see F)
C: That's nice
A: Of Course it is, what did you expect
F: Where are you both off to
C: Just walking because why not
F: When do you guys know when to stop
A: Have no idea, but apparently we just got to keep walking until we do stop
F: either find a reason to keep waking, Keep walking in misery or stop walking.
F: Move along then
(Silently they continue walking)
C: Do you think there was any sense in anything he said?
A: Who the hell knows, cause I don't
(They pass by a circus)
A: Want to go to the circus?
C: Why would I want to?
A: why wouldn't you?
C: Because there is no reason to
A: Circus it is
(They walk into the circus, stand at the back and watch for a bit, but A walks out and C follows)
C: the circus was your idea
A: yep was so interesting, but I got bored
C: So what now
A: No idea
C: Keep walking then?
A: Not much else to do
(They continue walking silently for a while until they reach a cliff)
C: Are we ever going to get there?
A: Get where?
C: Anywhere, somewhere, we must be going somewhere
A: Maybe maybe not
(They realise they are standing on the edge of a cliff)
A: So what now
C: It's the end of the road, no going back, no going forward
A: How can you be sure
C: Can’t
A: then why speak?
C: it will be foolish to say otherwise
A: but we are all ignorant you don't know, I don't know, no one I know knows
C: Only one way to find out
(A takes a step forward and disappears)
C: Looks like this is all it was ever about
(C does the same)